Uncertain Affairs
As associate professor designing the future I translate the futurist mindset for a broader public. Due to the corona crisis, last spring, I set my original research plans aside and concluded that my job was first and foremost to help others make sense of this new, daunting time.
I started to ask searching questions together with a group of strategists, artists and policy-makers. This resulted in a joint project with think-tank BrabantKennis, the Turn Club and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. For over a year we gathered, trying to make sense of the world around us. We took our time to explore the role of the unknown and tried to grasp how to navigate uncertainty.
The title we eventually gave our search was ‘Onzekere Zaken’, loosely translated as Uncertain Topics. The results will be published rather soon, after the summer your can order a how to guide and listen to our podcast. Both are published in Dutch. If you are interested in a translation, do connect with me and we will look into what we can do for you.

Illustration by Johan Moorman